October 17, 2023: A DAY OF TRAUMA RELIEF AND RESILIENCY following the Maui fires

October 17, 2023: A DAY OF TRAUMA RELIEF AND RESILIENCY following the Maui fires

Instructor: David Feinstein, PhD

Date: October 17, 2023; 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Fee: Support Workers: $40-$100 Sliding Scale. No charge for fire survivors. All proceeds going to Maui Fire Relief Efforts

VENUE: Afterglow Yoga Studio, 145 N. Market Street, Wailuku

**Bento Lunch provided (chicken or tofu)


Registration & More Info: www.maui.energytapping.com 

for A DAY OF TRAUMA RELIEF AND RESILIENCY following the Maui fires

Join Dr. David Feinstein for this rare opportunity to work with an award-winning pioneer in developing science-based innovative therapeutic approaches to healing stress and trauma.

Share this Event with fellow caregivers or survivors by printing or posting this flyer!  

EFT and its variations have been successfully applied in more than 30 countries following disasters. Over 150 peer-reviewed clinical trials support its efficacy. For more information on how EFT has been used in traumatized communities: www.disaster.energytapping.com.

In this highly experiential workshop, Dr. Feinstein will demonstrate the use of Emotional Freedom Technique/EFT tapping to restore the physiological dysregulation that occurs after trauma so participants have an opportunity to access and accelerate a return to resiliency.

Dr. David Feinstein has earned nine national awards for his books on consciousness and healing. He has served as an Instructor in Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.  He holds a ‘Marquis Who’s Who’ Lifetime Achievement Award. With his wife, Donna Eden, he has developed one of the world’s largest and most respected organizations teaching energy healing.

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